Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD)

What is ADHD ?

Attention -Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder also referred to as ADHD , is a Mental Illness that consist of noticeable patterns of not being able to pay attention or in attention and or hyperactivity – impulsivity. They acts or actions are more extreme then normally observed in an individual at the same developmental level. This specific disorder is most common in children but can be found in some adults . Children under the age of 4 are hard to diagnose simply because before starting school and figuring themselves out they are variables of there experiences at the time more then the older child . It is most often diagnosed when children start school . Most often found in boys then in girls in fact four to nine times more . ADHD is categorized in 3 different ways

Categories of ADHD Disorder

1. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (Combined type ) – in order to be diagnosed with this type you must have at least 6 symptoms of In attention such as

  • Over looking or missing details on school , work , or other activities.
  • Having difficulty sustaining attention during a task or when playing.
  • Don’t follow through on instruction , doesn’t finish work or school work .
  • Difficulty organizing complex task .
  • Forgetfulness
  • Loses important items

And then they also have 6 symptoms of hyperactivity like

  • Constant movement .
  • Often runs around or climbs on things.
  • Often has problems staying quiet or having inside voices.
  • Talks excessively
  • Blurts out answers before questions are fully asked.
  • Difficulty waiting turns .

Both these symptoms have to continuously go on for at least 6 months .

2. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Dominantly inattentive type ) – at least 6 symptoms of inattentiveness like I labeled above these symptoms last for at least 6 months with less hyperactivity symptoms.

3. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( dominantly hyperactivity type) – at least 6 symptoms like the ones listed above of hyperactivity and they have to continue for 6 months with less inattentive symptoms.

Factors of ADHD

No one knows what the exact cause of ADHD is because of the fact the numbers aren’t consistent but there are many risk factors that doctors agree could potentially be the cause of the disorder . There are biological ,environmental, and psychosocial influences …. I’ll explain …

Biochemical influences

1. Genetics – if you have a parent who had signs or symptoms of ADHD as a child or if you have a sibling who has ADJD .

2. Biochemical Theory- abnormal levels of dopamine – a type of monoamine nerve transmitter that’s made in your brain and acts as a messenger sending messages from your brain to the nerve cells ,Norepinephrine – both neurotransmitters and Hormone and possible , Serotonin – a chemical that carry’s messages between nerve cells and brain might be involved in producing symptoms of ADHD.

3. Anatomical factors -alternations in certain stead’s of the brain such as the frontal lobe the basal ganglia , caudate nucleus cerebellum.

4. Prenatal , perinatal and postnatal factors – Smoking during pregnancy and drinking while pregnant has been linked to ADHD .

Environmental Influences

1. Environmental Lead – evidence provides the adverse effect or cognition and behavior development in children with elevated body levels of lead .

2. Diet Factors – The healthier you eat the healthier your body and mental health will be . There are links from poor diet to ADHD as well . Mental health is physical health too .

Psychological Influences

1. Chaotic or disorganized environment

2. Disruption in family balance may make someone liable for stress and mental disorders

3. paternal Criminality .

4. Low social economic status

5. Foster care

6. Family’s history in sociopathic behavior and their history with alcoholism.

Symptoms Of ADHD

  • Aggression
  • Excited
  • Fidgety trouble sitting still
  • Absent minded
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Excessive talking
  • Trouble being quite or using inside voices
  • Forgetfulness
  • Depression
  • Learning disabilities
  • Reputation of words or phrases

Treatment Options

There are a couple of ways that are available once talking to your doctor or if you don’t have one a doctor . You will need to be diagnosed with ADHD to receive these treatments . You can be referred to therapy of many sorts which ever one the doctor thinks will benefit you the best . They may also prescribe you medications such as central nervous system stimulates: Dextroamphetamine ( Dexedrine) , methylphetamine , amphetamine composite ( adderall) . They might give you atomoxetine , a medication that is specifically for ADHD . Antidepressants are another medication they may prescribe you .Make sure that if you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms and it’s effecting your daily day to day activities, to get ahold of your doctor or there are other ways you can get information about or ask any question you may have I’ll list resources below

Hotlines and TIPS

National Alliance on mental Illness (NAMI)

1-800-950-NAMI (6264)

Safe Alternatives for Treating Youth


Suicide Prevention Lifeline

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

I’m available as well


Anxiety Disorders

What is Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorder is a mental illness or disorder that is made up of feelings of fear , worry , or anxiety. It is completely normal to feel all of those feelings at some point in your life so in order to be diagnosed with any anxiety disorder these feelings must interfere with your daily life activities. Many people mistake stress for anxiety or anxiety for stress . They are in fact not the same thing . Stress also known as stressor is an external pressure that is brought to an individual. Anxiety is is an emotional reaction to that stress or stressor . The most common psychiatric illness is anxiety disorder . The numbers widely vary but many agree that it is more common that a women experience anxiety disorders then men its also found more often I. Girls then in boys . There are several different types of anxiety disorders and they all have their own characteristics. They include Panic Disorder , Social Anxiety Disorder , Obsessive Compulsive Disorder , Post Traumatic Stress Disorder commonly known as PTSD , and Specific Phobia Disorder. This type of disorder is temporary and usually goes away when the triggering event is over. It is also reoccurring and can pip back up depending on your life circumstances. It is possible for it to turn from short term to long terms. Let’s get a better understanding .

What causes Anxiety Disorder?

The specific cause of anxiety disorder is unknown But there are factors that play a role in the cause of Anxiety disorders and these include :

  • Excessive stress or unresolved stress
  • Genetic factors such as your close family having a mental illness
  • Trauma
  • Medical causes
  • Life events
  • Medications
  • The misuse of drugs and alcohol

Types of Anxiety Disorders and heir characteristics

There are several different types of Anxiety Disorders that have their own characteristics as well as they share some of the same. I’ll explain further.

  • Panic Disorder : is characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of extreme fear as well as physical symptoms that include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, or unusual distress .
  • Social Anxiety Disorder : an intense consistent feeling of fear or anxiety in social situations. People with this type of anxiety disorder may have symptoms like blushing, nausea, trouble speaking, rapid heart beat, dizziness, trembling and sweating .
  • Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder: excessive thoughts that lead to duplicate behaviours you may have both obsessive and compulsive symptoms. The obsessive symptoms include fear of contamination or dirt, doubting or having trouble tolerating uncertainty, needing things orderly and symmetrical, aggression, unwanted thoughts. The compulsive symptoms are Washing and cleaning, checking , counting, order less, following a struck routine, demanding reassurance.
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder also know as ptsd is a disorder where people have trouble recovering from experiencing a terrifying event. The symptoms include self destructive behavior, lost of interest or pleasure, emotion detachment, nightmares, insomnia, flashbacks, fear , mistrust, severe anxiety, social isolation.
  • Specific phobia – an extreme fear of something that poses little to no threat or danger. The symptoms include fear of situations like enclosed spaces airplanes or going to school .fear of nature like thunderstorms it heights fear of animals or insects. Fear of blood injection or injury and clear of clowns throwing up and choking .
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder is extreme ongoing anxiety that affects your daily life activities. The symptoms are fatigue ,lack of concentration constant worry , and restlessness.
  • Seperarion Anxiety Disorder when someone feels fear or anxiety when a loved one leaves the room. The symptoms include not being able to think about anything other then the fear of separation, nightmares apprehension, anxiety, depression, crying , and rapid breathing .

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

Every different type of Anxiety Disorder has their own set of symptoms but there are a few that they have in common and they consist of :

  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Lack of concentration
  • Racing thoughts
  • Unwanted thoughts
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Excessive worry , fear , or doom
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Trembling


Treatments of anxiety disorder include therapy and medication that include antidepressants. You can also take steps in preventing episodes by avoiding alcohol, reducing the caffeine you intake , physical activities such as running walking or going to the gym . If you smoke quitting would help a healthy diet and stress management . When talking to mental health professional they will evaluate you and do physical exams they will try and see if the cause of the anxiety is from medications once they have determined that you in fact do suffer from the disorder they will help you find what works best with you . Everyone is different so different things work for different people . They may refer you to psychological therapy where you work with a therapist to reduce the symptoms of your anxiety . They could also prescribe you medications such as antidepressants , buspirone , and Benzodiazepines .

Living with anxiety disorder can be exhausting and cause you problems within your daily routines but there are ways to deal with it . If you or a loved one needs support or information about anxiety disorder there are resources to help I’ll list them below

National suicide prevention hotline


National Alliance On Mental Illness




Bipolar disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that Is characterized by mood swings. These mood swings can range from very low sad hopeless feelings commonly known as depression episodes, to extreme elevated feelings also known as manic episodes with time periods of normalcy in between. Bipolar disorder is one that last a lifetime but treatments and medication are available. There are 3 types of bipolar disorders. Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2 and cyclothymic disorder. Let’s take a look at each disorder and there signs symptoms causes and treatment options.

Types of Bipolar Disorders and what they mean

There are 3 types of bipolar disordes and to be diagnosed with them you have to meet a certain criteria.

  • Bipolar 1 disorder – you would be diagnosed with bipolar 1 if you had a manic episode lasting at least 7 days some depressive episodes may occur but not everyone experiences it. So
  • Bipolar 2 disorder – you would be diagnosed with bipolar 2 if you experienced one or more depressive episodes and symptoms of hypomania that lasted at least 4 days.
  • Cyclothymia disorder – you would be diagnosed with cyclothymia disorder if you have experienced both hypomanic and depressive episodes over a 2 year period and your symptoms aren‘t severe enough to meet the criteria of the other two types.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

All three types of bipolar disorder experiences many of the same symptoms some more extreme then others . The symptoms include

  • unusual mood swings
  • Sadness
  • elevated mood
  • anger
  • anxiety
  • guilt
  • hopelessness
  • impulsivity restlessness
  • self harm
  • irritability risk taking
  • unwanted thoughts
  • slowness in activity
  • weight loss or gain
  • difficulty falling asleep
  • excess sleep

Risk factors of Bipolar Disorders

Many Day to day life activities play a huge part in someones mental health. A persons genetic background also plays a big role in mental stability. what exactly are the risk factors of bipolar disorder ?

  • Having a first degree relative like a parent or sibling who suffer from bipolar disorder
  • periods of high stress like a death of a close friend or family member or a traumatic event .
  • The use of drugs and or alcohol
  • brain chemistry

all Of these can potentially be risk factors for bipolar disorders .


Bipolar disorder is a life long disorder meaning that A person with bipolar disorder will always have it . there are treatment options available but first you need to talk with a physician . they will guide you in the right direction . Evaluate you and the severity of your illness and then From there they will offer either medications and or therapy. they May put you on a anticonvulsant antipsychotic or SSRIs depending on what they think will work the best for you as a person . They might also give you information on support groups you can attend and therapy sessions they think would fit you the best . Living with a mental illness isn’t easy but it can get better the first step is fully understanding the illness as a whole . Talk with a physician if you believe you or a loved one have bipolar disorder . There are hotlines and resources available to anyone I’ll list them below .

Hotlines and Resources

SAMHSA’s National Helpline

1-800-662-HELP (4357)

National Alliance on Mental Illness

(800)950-NAMI ( 6264)

Covenant House Teen Hotline

(800) TLC- TEEN ( 852-8336)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

(800)273-TALK (8255)

Crisis Text Line

Text help to 741741

You may also contact me for further information and with any questions you may have .